• MogeesFreelance work: A fun contact microphone that uses vibration as a digital input.
  • Dovetail GamesAfter I outsourced and managed the direction for the key artwork I created this box for retail.
  • Dovetail GamesA fun user manual design based on a real North American locomotive manual.
  • Dovetail GamesThis product was the company's lead into next-gen. I concepted the key art design and laid out this design.
  • Dovetail GamesA legacy product from the company and I was in charge of the design from start to finish from the logo, to the final key art.

Packaging for retail

Although in video games it is becoming less traditional to sell in a physical form, the skillset has been a notable tool of mine in understanding print later in my career.

From dealing with printing foiling, and cramming as much information into a small back-of-box space through to dealing with bad ink prints in India, I have learned a lot from working with retail packaging in video games. All of which has lent its hand in merchandise and layout design.

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