• PUBG: BattlegroundsPhotoshop: A sinister looking squad causing chaos on the Battleground.
  • PUBG: BattlegroundsAs part of a wallpaper release, I wanted to show my passion for the game in an art piece.
  • PUBG: BattlegroundsAs part of a wider merchandise projects, I produced some artwork depicting action and stories of the Battlegrounds.
  • Personal IllustrationA digital painting based off a photo taken at a local preservation safari.
  • PUBG: BattlegroundsAn artwork used in the CIS market to promote the game and its latest map release.

Digital Painting

Something I picked up at university was the technique of digital painting, I loved painting backdrops for my 3D work. I pushed this skill further in my support for product publishing at Dovetail Games. For each new title and DLC, there was a need for artwork. It was due to this that I found space for faster turnaround.

Since then it has always been a skill utilised at Krafton, namely on PUBG: Battlegrounds. I use this skill set in many disciplines of my work, from merchandise to social media assets - and of course full digital paintings.

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